Five Mistakes People Make When Getting Divorced
There are a lot of moving parts to divorce, so naturally, you might make a couple of blunders if you’re not familiar with the process. From start to finish, the process can be complicated if you don’t take the proper steps. Here are some common mistakes people make when getting divorced and how to avoid them.
Mistake #1: Attempting a “DIY” Divorce
If you are thinking about getting a divorce or have already decided that it is the best option for you and your family, you might be strategizing ways to make the process as simple and cheap as possible. There’s nothing wrong with that and there are ways to relieve some of the stress that accompanies divorce but attempting to act as your own attorney might have the opposite effect. “DIY” or “do-it-yourself” divorces can complicate the process and might have long-term consequences if you aren’t familiar with the legal system. Additionally, opting for a pro se divorce can be tricky since you won’t be able to explain your case in a way the judge needs to hear.
Hiring an attorney who specializes in family law will save you time, stress, and might help you get benefits you could potentially overlook if you try to do it by yourself. Not to mention, an attorney will provide you with another knowledgeable support system.
Mistake #2: Making emotional decisions
This tip is not exclusive to divorce. We’re human beings. Making emotional decisions is what we do. However, when it comes to decision-making in the divorce process, making emotional decisions, whether it is out of anger, sadness, or fear, can have some negative consequences. This is another reason to hire an attorney instead of doing it yourself; your attorney will provide you with an objective perspective.
Mistake #3: Allowing your family to interfere too much
Family is important. We’re not saying they’re not. However, your family is going to be biased when it comes to important decisions, especially if children are involved. Taking your family’s advice over your attorney’s is not always the best idea and can cause you to make decisions that might hurt you. Your attorney knows what they are doing and is looking out for your best interest. Listen to them!
Mistake #4: Thinking short-term instead of long-term
If you’re currently going through a divorce, it can be hard to think about life after you and your spouse have divorced. No matter how difficult it might be right now, it is temporary. You won’t feel like this forever, so planning for your future is vital. Thinking about things like your financial and living situation will help you move on, as well as keep you secure and prepared. If you have children, think about how you want to communicate and interact with your ex-spouse. Think about where you want to be emotionally.
Mistake #5: Not telling your kids the truth
Kids are so much smarter than we give them credit for. Keeping your divorce from your kids is not productive, and it teaches them that suppressing their issues and hiding their problems is healthy. If you have older children, sit down with them and be truthful. Let them ask questions and provide them with honest answers. Obviously, they don’t need to know any sordid details, but communicating with them transparently and constructively is necessary. If you need help telling your kids about your divorce, check out our blog on how to tell your kids about your divorce!
Divorce is a complicated process, but there are steps you can take to avoid the little mistakes people make that make their situation that much more complex. If you have questions about the divorce process, contact the attorneys at Brown & Dutton Law Firm!
About Brown & Dutton Law Firm:
Family law matters affect your life deeply and personally. Family law is far more than just another “legal matter.” It impacts your life, your children’s lives, your finances, and your future.
Whether our clients are going through a complex divorce, a child custody issue, or have a modification need, they are our number one priority. At Brown & Dutton Family Law Firm, our family law attorneys take pride in supporting our clients and guiding them through any challenges they are facing. Helping our clients improve their quality of life is the reason we do what we do. We walk with clients every step of the way.
At Brown & Dutton Family Law Firm, we are a group of experienced divorce and family law attorneys in Georgia with years of litigation experience and countless satisfied clients.
The attorneys at Brown & Dutton would be honored to stand by your side during this difficult time. Jenni, Lance, and Tracy are experienced, transparent, and compassionate Georgia family lawyers that have been practicing attorneys more than 30 years. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin planning for your future!