Child Support
Georgia Law uses very specific child support guidelines based on an “Income Shares Model.”
The Income Shares Model is based on the concept that the child should receive the same proportion of parental income that he or she would have received if the parents lived together. In an intact household, the income of both parents is generally pooled and spent for the benefit of all household members, including any children.
If you’re trying to estimate child support, you can use the calculators provided by the Georgia Child Support Commission. The first step is to determine which parent is the “custodial” parent and which is the “noncustodial” parent. The custodial parent would be the one that has the children more than half the time, while the noncustodial parent has the children less than half the time.
If parenting time is equal, the noncustodial parent will be the parent with the higher child support obligation, which is usually—but not always—the parent who starts out with the higher income.
Due to the complexity of child support matters, it is crucial to retain an experienced and understanding family lawyer. Please reach out to Brown Dutton & Crider Law Firm for assistance in securing a modification to your child support agreement.
Child Support Lawyers Protecting Your Children By Keeping Up With Your Financial Circumstances.
At some point after you receive the Final Order and Decree of Divorce, it is likely that the needs of you, your spouse, or your children will change. A job or career change, for instance, can alter you or your spouse’s ability to pay child support. If this is the case, it might be appropriate to petition for a modification.
In order to petition for a modification of child support there must be a substantial change in circumstances or a specified amount of time has passed. To determine if you qualify to modify your Child Support, contact one of our experienced attorneys.
Due to the complexity of child support modifications, it is crucial to retain an experienced and understanding family lawyer. Please reach out to Brown Dutton & Crider Law Firm for assistance in securing a modification to your child support agreement.
When grandparents are raising their grandchildren, they are entitled to child support services.