The Divorce Timeline
Surprisingly enough, divorce is not a straightforward process. Shocking, right? If you are questioning whether divorce is the right choice for you and your family or you’re just in the research phase, educating yourself and learning what divorce entails is important.
One question we get quite frequently is “how long is this going to take?” Unfortunately, due to the ever-changing nature of divorce and how different the process is from person to person, we can’t provide a “one size fits all,” answer.
However, we can provide you with a general idea of the process. There are a lot of different factors that decide the timeline of your divorce, such as whether or not you have children, if your divorce is contested or uncontested, and what your level of agreement is on important issues like custody, child support, and division of assets.
Here is a general timeline of a contested divorce:
Month 1 → Petition
To get the divorce process started in Georgia, one spouse must file a petition in the Superior Court where their spouse lives.
Month 2 → Acknowledgement of Service/or Service
The complaint/petition will be served, and your spouse has 30 days to respond.
Month 2-8 → Mediation/Temporary Hearing/Discovery
Mediation or temporary hearing takes place and discovery occurs.
Month 8 Forward → Final Hearing
Typically, in contested cases, the final hearing will be at least 7 months after the petition has been filed.
Click here for a more detailed visual of the average divorce timeline, as well as a look at what an uncontested divorce timeline looks like.
The divorce process can be complex, and it is certainly not a linear process. Like most everything in life, it has ups and downs that require us to be patient, resilient, and transparent with ourselves.
Because divorce is such an intricate process, it is important to hire an attorney who understands your situation and is good at strategizing solutions for your individual needs.
About Brown & Dutton Law Firm:
Family law matters affect your life deeply and personally. Family law is far more than just another “legal matter.” It impacts your life, your children’s lives, your finances, and your future.
Whether our clients are going through a complex divorce, a child custody issue, or have a modification need, they are our number one priority. At Brown & Dutton Family Law Firm, our family law attorneys take pride in supporting our clients and guiding them through any challenges they are facing. Helping our clients improve their quality of life is the reason we do what we do. We walk with clients every step of the way.
At Brown & Dutton Family Law Firm, we are a group of experienced divorce and family law attorneys in Georgia with years of litigation experience and countless satisfied clients.
The attorneys at Brown & Dutton would be honored to stand by your side during this difficult time. Jenni, Lance, and Tracy are experienced, transparent, and compassionate Georgia family lawyers that have been practicing attorneys more than 35 years. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin planning for your future!